Thursday, March 3, 2011


     Yesterday was "Read Across America Day", also know as the birthday of the beloved Dr. Seuss.  I probably should have said something, as this is a reading blog.  I kinda dropped the ball (or book) on that one.  I'll try again next year.

     Did anyone actually make a point to read yesterday?  Again, I dropped the ball.  What are you reading?  I meant to pick up my newest conquest, St. Augustine's Confessions.  I do have a valid excuse:  I was taking care of an invalid.  He had an overnight hospital stay recently, and now the medication they put him on is making him feel awful.  So I have to put down the books and play nurse, which I'm actually pretty good at doing.

     I should also mention that I met a good friend's family for the first time recently, and I think I love them.  I want to move in, because they fed me AND gave me books.  People like that cannot be bad. 

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